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IBM - Museum of the Unseen

In the heart of the HQ, an immersive journey reveals the hidden forces of IBM’s expertise. The space bursts to life as visitors enter, animating a model of the building with hard-wired sensor information. Real-time data visualisations depict an intelligent facility that reacts to its occupants, learning people’s preferences, predicting behaviour and even managing its own maintenance. All powered by IBM’s world-leading Watson AI.

Guests are enticed to explore a display case of smart exhibits that connect with the museum environment. Each object activates a dynamic video, showing how IBM’s IoT is transforming client operations across the globe and in unexpected ways. When an object is placed on a nearby table, the surface morphs into a 3D portal, inviting visitors to discover the depth of these successes.

Role : Art Direction - Motion Design

IBM Watson - Museum of the Unseen